Save Your Way to a Brighter Financial Future
Possibilities are endless when you open a savings account with United Fidelity Bank. Whether you’re saving for emergencies,
personal milestones, a dream vacation, or your future, our local bankers are here to help you reach your savings goals.
Holiday Club
Holiday Club accounts are offered for those customers who want to save for holiday expenses or for any personal need. This account offers the following features:
- Open an account with a $5 deposit
- Interest is credited to your account at maturity
- Deposits can be made for any amount and as often as you wish
- Funds will be direct deposited to a designated account prior to the holiday season
There is a $5 service fee each time funds are withdrawn or transferred prior to maturity.
Young Savers
A Young Savers account is a wonderful tool to teach a child the value of money. Money can be added or withdrawn by the custodian at any time. This account offers the following features:
- Open an account with a $5 deposit
- No minimum balance required
- Earns interest
- One custodian per account
- The Young Savers account is for youth age 18 and under
There is no monthly service fee with this account.
New Day Savings
The perfect “second chance” for those who had been denied a savings account, had one closed due to special circumstances, or had past financial challenges. This account offers the following features:
- Open an account with a $25 deposit
- No minimum balance required
- Earns interest
The monthly service fee of $8 ends upon request after 12 consecutive months.
Advantage Savers
The Advantage Savers account is for customers age 50 and over who want a safe, secure way to save, and have complete access to their money. This account offers the following features:
- Open an account with a $100 deposit
- No minimum balance required
- Earns interest
- 24-hour ATM access if tied to a checking account
There is no monthly service fee with this account.
Statement Savings
A traditional savings account that earns a competitive interest rate and offers the following features:
- Open an account with a $100 deposit
- 24-hour ATM access if tied to a checking account
The $2 monthly service fee will be waived if the daily account balance remains above $100.
Personal Money Market
The Personal Money Market is a savings account with check-writing privileges and offers the following features:
- Open an account with a $1,000 deposit
- Tiered interest rates
- Unlimited transactions at any United Fidelity Bank banking center
- May make up to 6 outside transactions each month
The $5 monthly service fee will be waived if the daily account balance remains above $1,000.
Investment ONE Account
The Investment ONE Account is a higher interest savings account for larger balances and offers the unique feature of check-writing privileges. The customer has total access to their account and there are no restrictions on deposits or banking center withdrawals. This account offers the following features:
- Open an account with a $15,000 deposit
- Tiered interest rates
- 24-hour ATM access if tied to a checking account
- Unlimited transactions at any United Fidelity Bank banking center
- FREE United Fidelity Bank specialty checks for customers age 50 and over
- Limited check-writing privileges available
- FREE cashier’s checks
The $20 monthly service fee will be waived if the daily account balance remains above $15,000.
Investment FlexPlus
Investment FlexPlus is the perfect solution for our customers who desire a higher interest rate account without the restrictions associated with traditional Certificates of Deposit. This account offers the following features:
- Open an account with a $25,000 deposit
- Tiered interest rates
- United Fidelity Bank checking account required to open
- One FREE withdrawal per month ($50 fee for each additional withdrawal)
There is no monthly service fee with this account.
Due to federal regulations, during any month you may not make more than six (6) withdrawals or transfers to another account of yours or to a third party by means of a pre-authorized, automatic, telephone, or computer transfer or by check draft, debit card or similar order to a third party.
Disclosures will be provided at account opening.
Disclaimer: Products may vary by region.